Why aren’t there concerns about the kid being able to shoot 8 rounds?

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The “catastrophic failure” is the coverup. There’s too many “points of failure” for the machinery in DC to chase down while preserving their “Deep State credibility” at the same time. This was all known to the plotters way ahead of time. The MSM has already moved on and anything of substance that is reported from this point forward is the stuff of conspiracy theories.

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Greg, If Wray’s staff is lying to him... the FBI has lied and giving Christopher Wray a pass will allow more lying. If FBI Agents have that little of respect for Wray that they are willfully conducting this act... it is a direct reflection on Wray. Breaking any system down to it’s components doesn’t promote following procedures if individualisms are tolerated. Withholding information should be considered a criminal offence (interference with an official FBI investigation).

I think your article is outstanding, I just have a difference of the severity of the lying.

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https://nypost.com/2024/07/24/opinion/local-cops-refusing-to-share-info-with-fbi-as-agency-suffers-crisis-of-confidence-with-dei-hires-whistleblower-report-reveals/ Wray was a former Assistant U.S. Attorney before he got the FBI gig. He knows his way around town and has mastered the art of doublespeak.

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Very good article, Gregory.

I just read a WSJ article that makes a big deal about FBI reporting Trump’s ear injury being from the bullet, not shrapnel. Trump apparently was insistent it was a bullet, not something else that hit his ear. Maybe it was the PR branch of the FBI talking in making the distinction, but the reality is, it makes no difference what the projectile was in that moment as either one could have killed him had it been slightly to the right of where it did hit. For some reason, Trump feels more like a hero if it was a bullet—so what? that’s just his narcissism which we all know about him. Getting to the bottom of the poor security is the most important thing in any investigation here.

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Trump is the furthest thing from a narcissist on the planet and the fact you think he is one shows limited intelligence on your part. How many “narcissist’s” do you know of who entered the political arena and left poorer than when they got there? The answer is ZERO. Trump isn’t doing this for himself. He’s doing it for us and the country he loves. Please…do us all a favor and save your comments for the idiots at MSNBC.

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Sorry, I mistook you for an intellectual. You know nothing about me (or what narcissist traits are) and here you are slinging away at me, who was actually agreeing with you. For your info, what you say of Trump and the one characteristic I pointed out are not mutually exclusive. But you’d have to understand what narcissistic personality is, so you might wish to “do yourself a favor” and look it up and spare yourself further embarrassment.

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I don’t know if you’ve seen or mentioned this but I found it interesting….

The Oversight Project, set up by the Heritage Foundation, recently posted (on X, Twitter) the results of a survey of the cell phones and phone numbers associated with the shooter for the last year.

The most intriguing result was the fact that one number regularly appeared at the shooters home and work.

The same number also appeared at an address at Gallery Place, Washington DC…..at a building whose upper floors are occupied by the FBI.

It sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory, but it appears to be true.

From The Blaze

Phone associated with would-be assassin pinged near FBI DC offices in 2023, report says



“A cell phone associated with the home and work addresses of would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks visited the Gallery Place building in Washington, D.C., that houses a mall and offices of the FBI, the Heritage Oversight Project reported July 22.”

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I’ve seen that reporting but have no idea who’s behind it other than a “project” of some sort. It’s “interesting” but in no way conclusive evidence of the plot that definitely tried to kill Donald Trump Saturday July 13, 2024 in Butler, Pennsylvania.

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